Copyright�1999-2006 by Stephen A. Matthews
  Legal Restrictions Concerning 281st AHC "Intruder" Website Materials

    The domain name "" was registered 26 October 1999 by Stephen A. Matthews, who is the owner of that Internet domain name.  Unless otherwise noted, the images and written material contained in any page created in this 281st AHC "Intruder" Website, or donated to the site by others, belong to Stephen A. Matthews (Intruder Website creator, owner and webmaster), or to the individual given credit on the same page as the material. No person or entity may make any use of any materials by download, electronic storage or reproduction by any method, without express written permission.

    Any person whose material appears on this Website has given his or her permission to display their material, pictures or stories on this website.  Any person whose material appears on this Website should understand that it can be downloaded by any person browsing the website and the Webmaster cannot be held responsible.  This includes personal information such as; address, phone number, email address, etc.

    Links connecting this website and pages with other websites/pages are for convenience ONLY and is NOT an endorsement of any kind concerning the content or affiliation of the other website/pages. It does not mean that the Webmaster or the 281st AHC "Intruder" Website endorses or approves those other sites, their content or the people who run them, nor does it assume or imply any responsibility or liability for content on the part of the Webmaster and/or 281st AHC "Intruder" Website related to those links to other websites/pages.

    The user accepts all risks and responsibility for losses, damages, costs and other consequences resulting directly or indirectly from using this site and any information or material available from it. To the maximum permitted by law, the Webmaster and/or the 281st AHC "Intruder" Website disclaims all liability to any person arising directly or indirectly from using this website and any information or material available from it.

    Individuals contributing materials to the 281st AHC "Intruder" Website, or immediate family of deceased individuals, may copy their own materials for their own use.

    If I have failed to give credit to any person for their photographs, stories, or any material, please tell me and I will do so immediately.

    Any person who has questions or issues with this website, please e-mail the Webmaster.

Stephen A. Matthews
Creator, Owner, Webmaster and Copyright Owner
