Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 10:07:26 -0400
From: "John W. Mayhew" <>
Subject: Re: Email
To: Steve&Peggy <>
Steve, just for the record.
I have never said one bad word about your wife.  In fact, most folks know 
that I will not engage in these discussions and each time her name has come 
up I have tried to explain to everyone that in my view she has been a big 
help to you in developing the site and that my dealings with her in your 
absences have been very pleasant.
As to the association, I have never aspired to be anything but a 
contributor to it's growth.  Each time I have been ask to serve I have said 
I would do so only if there was no other individual who would step up and 
do the job.   I still fell the same way.
As to Your web site.   You have made your position very clear and only one 
person was challenging  it.  Frankly, nobody else cares.   Again each time 
this subject came up I was the first to defend your position even though I 
have never agreed with your "line in the sand approach."  However, it is 
your Web site and you can do with it as you please.  I have said over and 
over, and still fell that you and Peggy have done a great job with it and 
your efforts have certainly been a major factor in the growth of the 
association and for that we all continue to be grateful to you both.
As to getting BP "off your ass"  several of us made attempts to try and 
find some middle ground that we could all live with but you were not 
willing to give and inch and BP just kept hammering at the issue.  In the 
end you guys brought the issue to a head on your own.   The two of you 
should have solved this problem when it started early last year with the 
Chester involvement and not let a personal feud carry over into the 
association.   It would appear to me that at this point the adult thing to 
do is to follow BP's lead and put the whole thing behind us and move on for 
the good of the association.   The web site issue is well on it's way to 
being solved.  In a few days the association memorial site will be up and 
running and  with your site the 281st AHC will have complete coverage and 
the ownership issue will be done with.
As to the personal attacks, you certainly are free to say or call me names 
or say anything about me  you wish.  I have received several back channel 
messages questioning things that have been said and have replied to none of 
them.  I have no interest in engaging in any personal attacks with you or 
anyone else.   I would only suggest that we all put this issue behind us 
and as Barc said "walk over the bridge of reconciliation"   as adults 
should do and move on.   I for one am ready to walk over that bridge with 
you as I have done with BP.
Warm regards, Jack
>Mr. Mayhew,
>I'm shocked that you're surprised that I would be offended or take 
>personally YOUR character attack of me in your email of Fri, 03 May 2002 
>21:32:24 Subj: Sad Day, in which you stated:
>"Having two officers of the association attack each other in public is not 
>only destructive to the 
>organization it is in my view unforgivable. If I were Jack Green I would 
>demand both of your resignations today and I would instruct the list 
>master to eject and bar both of you from all email channels."
>You used to be a voice of reason and calm, but I can see in that scathing 
>dressing down of me in your email, the real Colonel John W. Mayhew. Well, 
>I'm not a WO and you're not a COL. I'm the guy who has spent 1000 hours or 
>more creating a WorldWide presence for the Intruders, without which your 
>Assn. still would not have been off the ground, but I never asked for or 
>expected anything in return. It was and will remain my contribution. And 
>you're the guy who is always quick with the praise, but what do I get from 
>you and the other self-righteous "leaders" for my efforts and repeated 
>pleas to get Paine off my ass for months and months, I get "please do us 
>all a favor and do the honorable thing and resign and go away."
>Guess what, I'm not going to go away, and your not going to get control of 
>my Intruder Website, because all you and others are interested in is your 
>Assn. and whatever control you think you have with it that feeds your ego. 
>It doesn't do you any credit to now act like the wounded and surprised guy 
>who's been offended after the kind of role you played in this whole 
>debacle. I'm sure you were a big factor in Jack Green's resigning, whether 
>you're willing to admit it or not.
>It also doesn't do you any credit to slither back and cast dispersions on 
>my wife's character either. Maybe you should quit writing emails while you 
>still have some self-respect left. I've come to realize that the best 
>thing that could have happened is for you to send that email out on the 
>Nets as you threatened to do, and let everyone see who the real Jack 
>Mayhew is, as I have.
>Stephen A. Matthews
>"Rat Pack 15" 6/68-6/69
>281st AHC Intruder Webmaster
>PS: You can bet your aged ass this is the real Steve Matthews responding 
>to any guy who treats me and my wife the way you have. Be glad I wouldn't 
>stoop to Bob Mitchell's level and call you "an arrogant son-of-a-bitch" 
>even insulting my Mother with his trailer trash vulgarity. "You can pin 
>rank on a man, but you can't pin class on him." if you want a quote from 