As a result of my opposition to the manner in which the Executive Board of the 281st AHC Association, Inc. has been running the Association, The EB has removed me from the Yahoo email nets, and denied me participation in communications with my fellow Intruders on email nets that they own. 
Feel free to email me at

"Once an Intruder, Always an Intruder"
[As long as you toe the line.]

PS: Brian Paine, after being allowed to send his email attacks on the Association's Nets, removed himself from the nets rather than conform to their policies.  My emails were censored (blocked from publishing to the email group) by the Net Moderator, then I was removed with only the above notification as justification.  No doubt Paine will be allowed back on the email Nets now that I have been removed.  COL John Mayhew was allowed to send his accusations and attack toward me on the Nets without any censorship or censure.




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